Saturday, June 9, 2012

Fat Tire

Fat Tire

Country of Origin: America: Colorado
Style: Belgian Amber Ale
Brewed Since: 1991
Special Ingredient: Crystal Malt

Fat Tire is the flagship beer for the New Belgium Brewing Company. A co-founder spent some time on a bicycle, touring the breweries in Belgium. This is how he both refined his recipe and came up with the bicycle-themed packaging. It's a good beer, but there's not a whole lot to it you can't find in other beers. Honestly, for the price and somewhat limited availability, you can probably find the same flavor in a couple varieties of Sam Adams. It's still a good beer. If someone offers you one, drink it. But don't kill yourself trying to find it.

Flavor: Moderate.
Finish: Moderate
Aftertaste: Moderate

Price: Moderate
Availability: Moderately Low, But Growing
Try If You Like: Other Amber Ale's

Recommended: Mostly. If you can find it, and it's not too expensive, get it. It's a good Amber Ale. But there's nothing to make it worth tracking down, or paying an inordinate amount of money for. If you can't find it, just get a Sam Adams.

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