Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sam Adams: Whitewater IPA

Samuel Adams
Whitewater IPA

Country of Origin: America, Boston
Style: India Pale Ale
Brewed Since: 2012
Special Ingredients: Apricot, Spices

Sam Adams recently released it's new Whitewater IPA (India Pale Ale). It's not your traditional IPA. They've added apricots, to give it a subtle sweetness. They did this to counteract the not-so-subtle hops and spices. It is a very strong beer. It has quite a bitter finish. This is not for the casual beer drinker. This is for people feeling adventurous, and fans of IPAs.

Finish: Very Strong
Aftertaste: Strong

Availability: Moderately High
Similar To: A very unique IPA.

Yes. But only if you are an IPA fan.

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