Saturday, June 9, 2012

Peroni: Nastro Azzurro

Nastro Azzurro

Country of Origin: Italy
Style: Pale Lager
Brewed Since: 1963

Nastro Azzurro is Peroni's second largest brand. It's designed as a premium lager. The brand has gotten large enough to sponsor teams in Grand Prix motorcycle racing. It's a very large international brand. The beer, however, is nothing special. I like it. It's a good beer, but nothing to write home about. To me, it's a case of very good marketing with a good product. Try it if you get a chance, but don't wear yourself out finding it.

Flavor: Full
Finish: Strong
Aftertaste: Moderately Strong

Moderately High
Availability: Moderate
Similar To: Harp, by Guinness

Recommended: Mostly. If you have the chance, try it. But it's nothing special.

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